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Card Condition Guide

Near Mint to Mint (NM-Mint) = A Near Mint to Mint condition card can range from Near Mint to Mint condition and we would grade most of these cards an 8/10 or 9/10. NM-Mint condition cards may have a few minor imperfections such as nicks on edges or light scratches. Many times, our NM-Mint cards are in pack fresh condition but sometimes they aren't. If you're a super picky collector, we highly recommend buying PSA and Beckett (BGS) professionally graded cards. Please note that graded cards that have high grades (i.e. MINT, GEM MINT and PRISTINE), generally sell for significantly more than ungraded cards. Please contact us by clicking the 'Contact Us' link at the very bottom of the page if you're looking for graded cards. Regarding FOIL cards: Foil cards can display a few minor imperfections such as scratches, clouding, or noticeable marks. The acceptable range of cards within the Near Mint Foil condition include both cards with no imperfections and cards with a few minor imperfections.

Lightly Played (LP) = A card in this condition has several imperfections such as nicks, minor scuffing, edge wear, clouding and/or light scratches.

Moderately Played (MP) = A card in this condition has noticeable play wear including edge wear, nicks, scratches, clouding, and/or scuffs.

Heavy Played (HP) = A Heavy Played card is damaged in a way that could make it unplayable in tournaments, even in a sleeve. This damage may include heavy wear, creases, dents, scratches, bends, scuffs, inking, water damage, clouding and/or other types of damage.

Damaged (DMG) = A Damaged card is damaged in a way that most likely is unplayable in tournaments, even in a sleeve. This damage may include heavy wear, creases, dents, scratches, bends, scuffs, tears, inking, water damage and/or other types of damage.